Note Taking Procedures


Step 1

Upload sample notes to be selected as a note taker. Click on the 'Courses / Notes' link in the menu on the left, then click on the 'Upload sample notes' link for each course in the list and follow the instructions to upload sample notes.


Step 2

You will receive an email once you have been selected as a notetaker to notify you that you should begin uploading your notes.


Step 3

Once selected as a notetaker, upload lecture notes within 24 hours after the lecture. Click on the 'Upload notes' button beside the course you have been selected for, and follow the directions to upload notes.


Step 4


Once you have completed note taking for the semester, you must reach out to SASC via email to request the incentives. 


Note Taker Responsibilities

·         Review the How to be an Effective Notetaker Handout.

·         Attend each class session as required by the instructor and take notes on class content.

·         Upload digital notes to SDS Connect within 24 hours of the end of class.

·         Contact SDS with any problems associated with note taking responsibilities.

·         Contact SDS ASAP if you are unable to attend class, so other arrangements can be made.

·         Contact SDS at the end of the semester to request your letter confirming volunteer hours and your gift card.


Notetaker Volunteer/Community Service Hours

After successfully completing the note taking assignment for the semester, please email us at to receive:

  • An official letter from SDS verifying ~15 hours of volunteer service for each unit of class (~45 hours for a 3 unit class, depending on when note taking began).
  • A gift card with a value of up to $100 from a selection of vendors for each course for which you have successfully completed note taking.

Please be aware of the following:

  • To qualify for the letter and gift card, you must be selected or assigned to be a notetaker, and submit notes for a minimum of 6 class sessions. Gift card amount and volunteer service hours may be prorated based on the length of time that notes were shared.
  • Notetakers who submit notes for 6 class sessions, and then cease to submit notes thereafter may not qualify for these incentives.
  • Providing notes for more than one section of the same course will count as ONE course.
  • Gift cards must be claimed prior to the start of the following semester.